Electric Bolt Red Element pass BH-VT exam

Enigma Red Element took part in IBGH3 competittion and take 1st place with 91 points. They also pass IBGH 3 exam 

TenTen de la Brigade des Colosses    

HD-0, ED- 0, OCD- clear, SA-0, LTV-1, L-7 !

28.9.2023 We took part in regional dog show in Kelč and Kira recieved   result         Excellent 1 and Veteran class winner :) 

Kennel news 9/2023

Double Trouble Red Element   took part in Agility competitions, where they placed twice in second place. She also passed the LA1 exam and qualified with her owner for the Slovakian Agility Championship.                                                 Demon fox Red Element pass the IGP1 exam with beautiful points (96,90.85)                                                                         Flare of Light Red Element  took part in the show, where he won the Excellent 1, Class Winner and Junior Winner awards.                                                                                                                                       Faustus Red Element underwent x-ray with results DKK- 0, DLK-0, SA-0, LTV-0                                                                  Enigma Red Element pass IBGH1 (96p.) and IBGH2 (93p.) exams with beautiful points!!!                                             Deadly Sin Red Element  qualified Working Dog  trial Excellently.  He is now     Deady Sin Red Element CDex, UDex, WDex! He also start competiting in IGP and they pass BH exam                                                                                                                                                                                     Euphoria Red Element took part in  ZZO competition and take 1st place.

                                           LITTLE NEWS IN OUR KENNEL

Deadly sin Red Element - qualified and won the UD Open Stake at Upottery Devon with 196/200 points!                                    Dark side of force Red Element - HD-0, ED- 0, SA-0, LTW -0, L7 !!                                                                                                                         Double trouble Red Element - pass NHAT exam !                              Electric Bolt Red Element - took part in bull sports competition with nice results 1st place treadmill (405m/min), 2nd place classic jump, 2nd plac tow + best tim. Also pass nosework exam RA1                                                   Endorphin Rush Red Element - too part in dogshow Náměšť    na Hané and get awesom results! Excellen 1, Class winner ! And next days they got their healthy Results ! - HD-0, ED-0, OCD-0, SA-0, LTV-0 !                                                            Aneko Red Element - took part in CACIT POLAND and placed on nice 18th place from 56 competitors                               Enigma Red Element - pass IBHG1 exam                                                Calcifer Red Element - pass BH-VT Exam                                           Electra Red Element - pass BH- VT  and IBGH1  exam           Euphoria   Red Element -  took   4th place in Really obendiece  competition  and pass RO2 exam

3.6.2023 "Boast window"                                                             

Deadly sin  Red ELement    "Jed did his first Championship qualifying trial today. He did super, got 98/100 points   and won the stake as well as qualifying CD.,,                  

Double trouble Red Element   pass NHAT exam with result : Excellent 

Destroyer Conan Red Element pass BH-VT exam

Darth Vader Red Element pass BH-VT exam with 59/60 points

Crash point Red Element    successfully passed the police dog tests.

Euphoria Red ELement     Took part in Branný víceboj kynologů where they took 4th place in mens cathegory (canicross competition). They also took part in obedience competition : O putovní erb města Benátky nad Jizerou in ZZO category, where they took 2nd place with 57/60 points

Flare of light Red Element   took part  in international dog show in Lithuania   and get awesome results   :  Excellent 1 , Class winner and  BOB !!!

21.3.2023 After a long time I'm adding some news about our "puppies" 

Deadly sin
Deadly sin

 Deadly sin Red Element                                                                   -took part in a race in UK, where he took first place with only a loss of 1,5points (from 200points). In addition, he received a beautiful report from the judge  Dave Self .

Drive me crazy
Drive me crazy

Drive me crazy Red Element                                                    - passed BH and GP1 Exam                                                   - also had an x-rays results HD-0, ED-0, LTV-0


Euphoria Red Element                                                       - passed the ROZ texam with flying colours                         -   placed first in the 2,5 km virtual canicross race - a run against dementia.                                                                        -   completed an X-ray examination with amazing results: HD-0, ED-0, OCD-free, SA-0, LTV-0, L7

Benihime Red Element - passed A3 category in Agility


!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!

!!! Little news in our kennel !!!

DEMON FOX RED ELEMENT passed BH-VT exam                                                                                              DOUBLE TROUBLE RED ELEMENT took part in another agility race and placed in an amazing 2nd place!                                                                                                                                                                       DEADLY SIN RED ELEMENT qualified for the UKDA in Category 1

Skvělá zpráva! Další z našich "štěňátek" má úžasné výsledky RTG                                      Darth Vader Red Element     HD: 0 , ED: 0 , SA: free, LTV: 0 

Great news! Another one of our "puppies" has amazing X-ray results                                 Darth Vader Red Element      HD: 0 , ED: 0 , SA: free, LTV: 0 

6.11.2022 Benihime Red Element  "Hype" took part in agility competition - Dogflow Open in Hungary and they took 2nd place with a great time 36,35s.

5.11.2022  Today we pass with "Baki" - Bakara Red Element   IBGH1  exam :) 

5.11.2022 Euphoria Red Element took part in non ofi Agility competition - Krkonošské neoficiální JUMPINGY, where they took a beautiful 3rd place in total scores.

29.10.2022 se Euphoria Red Element  zučastnila Pullerhalloween závodů, kde obsadili v kategorii Running štěňata 3.místo  a v kategorii Jumping štěňata 2.místo.

29.10.2022 Euphoria Red Element took part in Pullerhalloween races, where they took 3rd place in the     Running puppies   category    and 2nd place in the Jumping puppies category. 

Little news in our kennel 

Great news!!!

  8.10.2022 our "Fili" 

CALYPSO  Red Element became a new  breeding bitch in our kennel . 

Update   2.10.2022 

Batou Red Element  took part in MSK championship in IGP3 Category, where he placed a beautiful 7th place.

Double trouble Red Element  took part in her first 2 Agility competitions and she placed on 1st and 2nd place. 
Catch me if you can Red Element  took part in her first VK1 competition which she pass excellently and she also qualified for the VK2 category.
Aneko Red Element pass IGP3 exam

New health results !!!

Double trouble Red Element 

HD - 0, ED - 0, SA - 0,  transitional vertebra -  0 

3.8.2022 se v naší chs narodilo 7 štěňátek, a to v počtu 5 pejsků a 2 feneček. 

3.8.2022 were born in our kennel 5 males and 2 females.                                                                         

Little news in our kennel !!!

19.6.2022 jsme se zúčastnili oblastní výstavy v Náměšti na Hané a obě holky si odnesly krásné posouzení!                                                                      Calypso Red Element : V1, Vítěz třídy                                                                  Bakara Red Element : V1, Vítěz třídy, Oblastní vítěz

19.6. 2022  we took part in the regional dog show in Náměšt na Hané, and both girls received a beautiful assessment! 

Calypso Red Element :                  Exc1, Class Winner 

Bakara Red Element :                          Exc1, Class Winner, Regional Winner 

Benihime Red Element qualified for the European Open in agility! 

Euphoria Red Element 

attended a photo shoot for the Dog Point charity calendar. Proceeds from this calendar will go to support dogs in the shelter. As soon as the calendar will be for sale, I'll add a purchase link. 

Double Trouble Red Element  has become a face for joint nutrition advertising (HUMAC)

Bun'Ichirou Red Element "Tsekkonnen" took part in the shooting of the video clip of the singer Nelli Matula from Finland. He is even the face on promo t-shirts.

3.6. + 4.6.2022 took place our planned mating with this amazing   young  imported male!                                              Lebenswolf Air Max    x   Bianei Severní Procyon  

We accept reservations for puppies.

Lebenswolf Air Max - Czech prison  service dog 

Red Element kennel accept reservations for puppies from an amazing connection . Bianei Severní procyon "KIRA" x imported dog Lebenswolf Air Max with very interesting pedigree. Mating will take place in the following days. Puppies will be suitable for all kinds of sports, as police or service dogs. We expect a balanced, contact, confident characters with big taste for food and prey drive

Great news!   

We received health results   from MVDr. Ekr 


   HD- 0, ED- 0, OCD- Free, SA- 0, LTV- 0 !!!!                         CALYPSO is also SDCA1- free, SDCA2- free, CACA- free,   CJM- free !!!! I am So happy and proud breeder .

1.5. 2022 a 7.5.2022 jsme se s CALYPSO RED ELEMENT "FILI" zúčastnili Krajské výstavy v Dolním Benešově a následně krajské výstavy Florinka Olomouc, kdy jsme si  pokaždé odnesli nádherný posudek a  úžasné  hodnocení. a to : 

2x       VÝBORNÝ 1  ,   2x     VÍTĚZ TŘÍDY  

CALYPSO RED ELEMENT took part in Regional dog shows with awesome results !

2X EXCELLENT 1 and 2x CLASS WINNER !            

Skvělé zprávy!!!                 

 Naše KIRANKA je čistá na další typ ataxie - CACA !!    Tímto jsou všechna štěňátka z vrhu B a C - SDCA2 -čistá, CJM- čistá a CACA- čistá!    A štěňátka z vrhu E jsou čistá na SDCA 1, SDCA 2, CJM a také CACA !!! Takže naše holky BAKARA a CALYPSO Red Element jsou : SDCA1 čisté , SDCA2- čisté, CJM- čisté a nyní i CACA čisté !!!

Jelikož dobrých zpráv není nikdy dost, tak se musím pochlubit úžasnými výsledky od jednoho z našich "štěňátek" !!! 


 HD -0 , ED- 0, LTV-0 , CACA-free, SDCA2 - free, SDCA1-carrier, CJM-free !!!                             Máme velkou radost ! 

Since there is never enough of good news, So I have to share this amazing results from one of our "puppies"  


HD -0 , ED- 0, LTV-0 , CACA-free, SDCA2 - free, SDCA1-carrier, CJM-free !!!                                            We are so proud and happy!! 


Batou  Red Element Pass IBGH3 exam !

  Byakuya Red Element completed his new education  at " dog school" and now he's able to search  Drugs and Banknotes/Counterfeit money.  


2.2.2022   were   born in our kennel   4 males and   4females    from foreign mating  BAKI x KAYO

!!! Mating confirmed by ultrasound !!!

3.1.2022  we saw 7/8 puppies on ultrasound, so we should expect a large litter (7+). We accept reservations for puppies. We also expect little tervuerens in this litter. The expected date of delivery is around 2.2.-6.2. 2022

Puppies will be suitable for all dog sports, for police or military work. We expect strong and balanced characters with big prey and food drive. Puppies will be raised inside the home, used to common household noises, various surfaces. They will also be used to staying outside and in a pen. Feeding quality food, socialized, microchipped, vaccinated, dewormed with an international vaccination card and pedigree. 

!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!

Baki -Kira- Fili
Baki -Kira- Fili

5.12.2021                   Máme nakryto!  

Teď už jen počkat  na potvrzení ultrazvukem :)  

Mating Is Done ! 

 Now we must Wait for ultrasound! 

 Baki x Kayo

! We accept reservations for puppies ! 

Přišl nám  výsledek testu na dlouhou srst

BAKI NESE gen pro dlouhou srst a KAYO také, takže můžeme ve vrhu očekávat také malé tervuereny . Tímto bychom chtěli oznámit, že přijímáme rezervace také na tervuereny z tohoto spojení.  

 Also we received the result of a long hair test! BAKI CARRIES the gene for long hair and KAYO as well. So we can also expect small tervuerens in the litter. 

We would like to inform, that we also accept reservations for tervuerens from this connection.

24.11.  BAKI is in heat ! Mating will take place in the coming days !! 

I would like to introduce  our planned litter "E"

  It will be Baki´s first litter and because Kayo is a great dog, and the puppies from litter C are amazing, we decided for him once again. Since for the first time, he is the right gentleman and an amazing dog for Baki. In addition, this litter is focused on line breeding to

Jelò de l'origine de faucon rouge, Iwo Perle de Tourbière, Julka vom Haus Pen, Larco Perle de Tourbière, Jill Perle de Tourbière, Alf vom Nordhang der Eifel, Orage de Virlevent and to Utamarou des Deux Pottois. 

I hope we succeed.   All puppies will be SDCA1- free, SDCA2- free and CJM - free  

We accept pre reservations for puppies

6.11.  BAKARA RED ELEMENT and I successfully passed    BH-VT exam  and    thanks to that, we opened the entrance for further exams in mondioring.  

And so that KIRA wouldn't be sad, we quickly dusted off  her coat  and after more than a year ,   we passed  with KIRA IBGH1 exam. 

We have this season behind us and we are looking forward to what the next one will bring us 


28.10 we took part in Regional show in Kelč with  Bakara Red Element and Calypso Red Element, where BAKI showed herself very nicelly and get super rating ! Excellent 1, Class winner and Regional winner  and got very nice opinion from the judge . 
FILI ( Calypso Red Element)  took it for herself  and behaved like a dog  unkissed by the leash and dog shows. But the judge said that he has nothing to complain about her exterior and that FILI is a very beautiful female without any faults. Unfortunately, her shown in ring was catastrophic, which we could not disagree with. And because FILI behaved like a pubertal brat, she "bounced" VD1.

This is the end of the show season this year and we are looking forward to the next year with  hope, that the shows will not be cancelled again and Filinka will be wise by then.

Little Updates about our "pups" =)


 Batou with his owner passed the IGP 1  exam  and a while after that they passed IBGH2 exam for 92 points. =)


participated in the 39th Markvartovice Race, in the IGP1 category (obedience, defense), where they took 1st place. 
Soon, they took part in another race also in the IGP1 category (obedience,defense) where they  took 2nd place.

And at the end , they participated in the National Dog Show Floracanis Olomouc In the working class, where they received the award  V1 - CAC

13.8.2021  Máme štěňátka!  

13.8. se v naší chs narodilo 9 krásných a zdravých štěňátek, a to ze spojení Bianei x Invictus.
Narodilo se nám 6 pejsků a 3 fenečky.                                                                                            

13.8.2021    We have puppies! 

9 beautiful and healthy puppies were born in our kennel, from the connection Bianei x Invictus. We have 6 males and 3 females

30.7.2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kira´s    49th day of pregnancy  :)   girls having fun with a new raccoon toy :)

SUPER NEWS !!! Jelikož jsem hlava děravá, zapomněla jsem na naše šikovné "štěňátka" a jejich šikovné pánečky, kdy Batou Red Element složil zkoušku IBGH1 a Aneko Red Element se zúčastnila závodů ve Vítkově u Klokočova, kde obsadili krásné 2. místo v kategorii ZM, 2. místo v kategorii speciál a získali ocenění za nejlepší obranu ! 
 Since I have a leaky head, I forgot about our clever "puppies" and their clever owners, when Batou Red Element passed the IBGH1 exam An and Aneko Red Element participated in the race in Vítkově u Klokočova, where they took a beautiful 2nd place in the ZM category, and 2nd place in special protection category where they also won the award for the best defense! 

Autor fotografií ze závod : TerkaPajda

Autor fotek ( BATOU ) :                                                                                      Bílovská Michaela - https://www.facebook.com/bilovskamichaelafoto/

11.7.2021  jsme se zúčastnili oblastní výstavy v Náměšti na Hané a mám obrovskou radost. Ne jen, že můj manžel vystavoval teprve podruhé v životě, ale holčičky se nádherně umístily a chovaly se ukázkově. 
BAKARA Red Element - VÝBORNÝ 1, VÍTĚZ TŘÍDY, OBLASTNÍ VÍTĚZ ve třídě otevřené.
Navíc za námi přijel páneček s naším odchovancem BATOU RED ELEMENT - "DORTÍK". 
11.7.2021 we took part in the regional gog show in Náměšť na Hané and I am very happy. Not only that it was second handling of my husband in his life, but the girls placed beautifully and behaved in an exemplary manner.
In addition, the owner of BATOU RED ELEMENT- "DORTÍK".came to visit us. 

Mating confirmed by ultrasound!!! 

We accept reservations for a puppies from a foreign mating with a French Ring Dog. Mating took place on 10.6. + 11.6. We expect very balanced and very temperamental characters with a big taste for work and prey drive.Puppiess will be suitable for all dogs sports or for police and military work. Only for serious candidates.

10.6. +11.6.2021   took place our planned mating  with the amazing French ring dog -  Invictus des Plaines de Thierache.    We accept reservations for puppies.


Kira is in heat, so mating will take place in a few days with imported French ring dog - Invictus des Plaines de Thierache.  

We accept reservations for puppies .

Kiranka začala hárat, a tak očekáváme krytí v nejbližších dnech A to importovaným Francouzským ringovým psem - Invictus des Plaines de Thierache. 

Přijímáme rezervace na štěňátka  

Great news :) Aneko Red Element pass IGP1 exam with super points  93/92/88 :)


Baki is officially breeding bitch from today 

Bakinka je od dnešního dne oficiálně chovná fena !!!  


Bishamon   Red Element pass BH exam and  TSAC !! :) 


GOOD NEWS !!!  I recieved message from owner of Byakuya Red Element, that last Week "Gadi" passed his second exam to become an police dog. Obedience and trailing. We are so proud of them !! 


Batou Red Element pass BH exam !! :) 

    More info coming soon  :)

Another Great News !  Calypso Red Element and her super result for SDCA1 is N/N - Free   !!! 

Great News in our kennel!   

Bakara Red Element  and her result for   CJM is N/N -Free !!!

16.1.2021 se narodil vrh C a to v počtu 5 pejsků a 4 feneček. Všechna štěňátka se narodila živá a krásně prospívají.

16.1.2021 litter C was born in the number of   5 males and 4 females.                    All puppies were born alive and thrive beautifully.

!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !!!

9.12.2020 Mating confirmed by ultrasound !!!  KIRA x KAYO  - 22nd day of pregnancy. 

17.11.2020  proběhlo plánované krytí Kiry a Kaya. 

Teď  jen  počkat na potvrzení ultrazvukem. :)

17.11.2020  Mating is done ! Now we must wait for ultrasound. :)

Planned mating in November / December.  

Puppies will be suitable for all dog sports, for police or military work. We expect strong and balanced characters with big prey and food drivePuppies will be raised inside the home, used to common household noises, various surfaces. They will also be used to staying outside and in a pen. Feeding quality food, socialized, microchipped,  vaccinated, dewormed with an international vaccination card and pedigree. 

Štěňata budou odchována doma, zvyklá na běžné ruchy domácnosti, různé povrchy. Budou zvyklá i na pobyt venku a v kotci. Krmena kvalitní stravou, socializovaná, naočkovaná, odčervená , čipovaná s mezinárodním očkovacím průkazem a s rodokmenem.

12.9.2020   Aneko Red Element placed 1st in today's Rychvald race in the SPr1 category. 

11.9.2020 Great news again!!! Bun´Ichirou Red Element also underwent an X-ray examination, and he got great results!! HD-B, ED-0, SA-0, LTV-0 !!!  We are so happy and proud :)

10.9.2020   GREAT NEWS !!!     Batou Red Element have wonderfull health results :)       HD-0, ED-0, SA-0 !!

5.9.2020  BAKARA Red Element took part in national dog show   and went with super rating! Excellent 2nd in junior class!! I am so proud of her and my husband, because this were his first experience with handling on dog shows.   

18.8.2020 Great news!       Kira is CJM -N/N ( free)  

Newly we started training mondioring with our girls.

15.06.2020 GREAT NEWS !!! 

BAKARA Red Element have wonderfull health results!

 HD 0/0, ED 0/0, SA-0,  

OCD- free, LTV-0



10.05.2020 Due to the situation with coronavirus, we changed the stud dog for the planned litter C. However, the mating did not take place because Kira had to have surgery the day before mating (she swallowed the joint head of a beef bone). But there is something positive on it :). We can see at

x-ray that her spine is still clear in her 6 years :) (SA-0)
Fortunately, she is already perfectly fine today. 

And the planned mating will take place later this year. Probably in November or December.         


Great news in our  kennel !!! 

Bakara Red Element 

is  clear for both types of SDCA 

SDCA 1 N/N ( tested) 

SDCA 2 N/N (by parrents)  

Bakara Red Element
Bakara Red Element

23.02.2020 Bishamon Red Element  "Ruby" took part   in dog show in Romania  and went with amazing rating !



28.10.2019  BAKARA Red Element took part in dog show  and went with super rating ! Very Promising 1 !! I am so proud of her.